Missoc database
Comparative tables
The MISSOC database contains descriptive information on the statutory social security systems in the 31 countries covered and is structured in 13 comparative tables: Table 0 provides an overview of the philosophy underlying the design of each national system and their main features. It also provides country-specific information on the general principles applying to the […]
The social protection structure of each of the 31 countries covered by MISSOC is illustrated in an organisation chart and described in a brief text. The text also contains the internet addresses of the ministries responsible for social protection as well as the other most important institutions. Information is updated on a biannual basis with […]
Important notice To facilitate comparison, the information on this page is gradually being integrated into the comparative database. Concretely, it will be moved to the end of each relevant table. For example, details on maternity benefits for the self-employed will be moved to the end of Table IV on maternity/paternity. The integration started with the […]
Social security guides
The social security guides aim at explaining the national social protection systems in an accessible and easy-to-understand language to a broad audience, in particular citizens moving within Europe. The guides are updated on an annual basis with validated information for the situation on 1 January of each year. The latest edition of the guides is […]