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Mutual Information System on Social Protection visual

Comparative tables

The MISSOC comparative tables contain detailed information on social protection in 31 countries structured into 12 main chapters (tables): financing, healthcare, sickness, maternity/paternity, invalidity, old age, survivors, accidents at work and occupational diseases, family, unemployment, guaranteed minimum resources and long-term care. Each table is divided into numerous categories such as legal basis, field of application, conditions and benefit amount.

The Correspondent’s Guide explains how the MISSOC correspondents should complete the tables. Definitions of the terms used are available in the Glossary.

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Information is

  • updated on a biannual basis with validated information for the situation on 1 January and 1 July of each year.
  • available from the year of accession to the EU, e.g. 2007 for Bulgaria and Romania and 2013 for Croatia.
  • not available for the UK for January 2015 and from January 2020 onwards, and Iceland for January 2017, July 2017 and July 2018.

The exchange rate applied refers to the date of the update, i.e. 1 January or 1 July of the relevant year.

For information on social protection in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Russian Federation, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine, please visit the MISSCEO website.

Using the database

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  • All countries
    • All EU countries
      • Austria
      • Belgium
      • Bulgaria
      • Croatia
      • Cyprus
      • Czech Republic
      • Denmark
      • Estonia
      • Finland
      • France
      • Germany
      • Greece
      • Hungary
      • Ireland
      • Italy
      • Latvia
      • Lithuania
      • Luxembourg
      • Malta
      • Poland
      • Portugal
      • Romania
      • Slovakia
      • Slovenia
      • Spain
      • Sweden
      • The Netherlands
    • United Kingdom
    • All EFTA countries
      • Iceland
      • Liechtenstein
      • Norway
      • Switzerland

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  • All tables
    • I. Financing
      • Financing principle
        • 1. Sickness and maternity: Benefits in kind
        • 2. Sickness and maternity: Cash benefits
        • 3. Long-term care
        • 4. Invalidity
        • 5. Old-age
        • 6. Survivors
        • 7. Accidents at work and occupational diseases
        • 8. Unemployment
        • 9. Family allowances
      • Contributions of insured and employers
        • 1. Overall contributions
        • 2. Sickness and maternity: Benefits in kind
        • 3. Sickness and maternity: Cash benefits
        • 4. Long-term care
        • 5. Invalidity
        • 6. Old-age
        • 7. Survivors
        • 8. Accidents at work and occupational diseases
        • 9. Unemployment
        • 10. Family allowances
        • 11. Other special contributions
      • Public authorities' participation
        • 1. Sickness and maternity: Benefits in kind
        • 2. Sickness and maternity: Cash benefits
        • 3. Long-term care
        • 4. Invalidity
        • 5. Old-age
        • 6. Survivors
        • 7. Accidents at work and occupational diseases
        • 8. Unemployment
        • 9. Family allowances
        • 10. General non-contributory minimum
      • Financing systems for long-term benefits
        • 1. Invalidity
        • 2. Old-age
        • 3. Survivors
        • 4. Accidents at work and occupational diseases
    • II. Health care
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
        • 1. Beneficiaries
        • 2. Exemptions from compulsory insurance
        • 3. Voluntarily insured
        • 4. Eligible dependants
      • Conditions
        • 1. Qualifying period
        • 2. Duration of benefits
      • Organisation
        • 1. Doctors:
          • Approval
          • Remuneration
        • 2. Hospitals
      • Benefits
        • 1. Medical treatment:
          • Choice of doctor
          • Access to specialists
          • Payment of doctor
          • Patient charges
          • Exemption or reduction of patient charges
        • 2. Hospitalisation:
          • Choice of and access to hospital
          • Patient charges
          • Exemption or reduction of patient charges
        • 3. Dental care:
          • Treatment
          • Dental prosthesis
        • 4. Pharmaceutical products
        • 5. Prosthesis, spectacles, hearing-aids
        • 6. Other benefits
    • III. Sickness - cash benefits
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
        • 1. Beneficiaries
        • 2. Earnings ceiling for insurance coverage
        • 3. Exemptions from compulsory insurance
      • Conditions
        • 1. Declaration of incapacity for work
        • 2. Qualifying period
        • 3. Other conditions
      • Waiting period
      • Benefits
        • 1. Continued payment by the employer
        • 2. Benefits of social protection
          • Amount of the benefit
          • Duration of benefits
          • Special conditions for unemployed
          • Death grant
          • Other benefits
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • IV. Maternity/Paternity
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
        • 1. Benefits in kind - Medical care
        • 2. Maternity/Paternity leave and benefit
      • Conditions
        • 1. Benefits in kind - Medical care
        • 2. Maternity/Paternity leave and benefit
      • Benefits
        • 1. Benefits in kind - Medical care
        • 2. Maternity/Paternity leave
          • Duration of leave
          • Flexibility and transferability
        • 3. Maternity/Paternity benefit
          • Amounts
          • Continued payment by the employer
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • V. Invalidity
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
      • Exemptions from compulsory insurance
      • Risk covered: Definition
      • Conditions
        • 1. Minimum level of incapacity for work
        • 2. Possibility of review
        • 3. Period for which cover is given
        • 4. Qualifying period
      • Benefits
        • 1. Determining factors for the amount of benefits
        • 2. Calculation method, pension formula or amounts
        • 3. Reference earnings or calculation basis
        • 4. Non-contributory periods credited or taken into consideration
        • 5. Supplements for dependants (spouse, children, other dependants)
        • 6. Minimum pension
        • 7. Maximum pension
        • 8. Other benefits
      • Indexation
      • Cumulation with other social security benefits
      • Cumulation with earnings from work
      • Return to active life
        • 1. Rehabilitation, retraining
        • 2. Preferential employment of persons with disabilities
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of pension benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on pension
    • VI. Old-age
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
      • Exemptions from compulsory insurance
      • Conditions
        • 1. Qualifying period
        • 2. Conditions for drawing full pension
        • 3. Legal retirement age
          • Standard pension
          • Early retirement
          • Arduous job
          • Deferred retirement
      • Benefits
        • 1. Determining factors
        • 2. Calculation method or pension formula
        • 3. Reference earnings or calculation basis
        • 4. Periods credited or taken into consideration
        • 5. Back-purchase of insurance periods
        • 6. Supplements for dependants (spouse, children, other dependants)
        • 7. Special supplements
        • 8. Minimum pension
        • 9. Maximum pension
        • 10. Early retirement
        • 11. Arduous job
        • 12. Deferment
      • Indexation
      • Partial retirement
      • Cumulation with earnings from work or other benefits
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • VII. Survivors
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
      • Exemptions from compulsory insurance
      • Entitled persons
      • Conditions
        • 1. Deceased insured person
        • 2. Surviving spouse
        • 3. Divorced spouse
        • 4. Surviving partner or cohabitant
        • 5. Children
        • 6. Other persons
      • Benefits
        • 1. Surviving spouse, Divorced spouse, Surviving partner
        • 2. Surviving spouse: remarriage
        • 3. Bereaved children/Orphans
        • 4. Other beneficiaries
        • 5. Maximum for all those entitled to benefits
        • 6. Other benefits
        • 7. Minimum pension
        • 8. Maximum pension
      • Indexation
      • Cumulation with earnings from work or other benefits
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • VIII. Accidents at work and occupational diseases
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Field of application
        • 1. Beneficiaries
        • 2. Exemptions from compulsory insurance
      • Risks covered
        • 1. Accidents at work
        • 2. Travel between home and work
        • 3. Occupational diseases
      • Conditions
        • 1. Accidents at work
        • 2. Occupational diseases
      • Benefits
        • 1. Temporary incapacity:
          • Benefits in kind
            • Choice of doctor or hospital
            • Payment of costs and contribution by person involved
          • Cash benefits
            • Waiting period
            • Duration of benefits
            • Amount of the benefit
        • 2. Permanent incapacity
          • Minimum level of incapacity giving entitlement to compensation
          • Possibility of review
          • Reference earnings or calculation basis
          • Amount or formula
          • Supplements for dependants
          • Supplements for care by another person
          • Redemption
          • Cumulation with earnings from work
          • Cumulation with other social security benefits
        • 3. Death
          • Surviving spouse
          • Bereaved children/Orphans
          • Dependent parents and other relatives
          • Maximum for all beneficiaries
          • Death grant
        • 4. Rehabilitation
        • 5. Other benefits
      • Indexation
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • IX. Family benefits
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Child benefit
        • Basic principles
        • Field of application
        • Conditions
          • 1. Residence requirements
          • 2. Other conditions
        • Age limits
        • Benefits
          • 1. Amounts
          • 2. Means test
      • Parental leave and benefit
        • 1. Basic principles
        • 2. Field of application
        • 3. Conditions
        • Parental leave
          • Duration of leave
          • Flexibility and transferability
        • Parental benefit
          • Amounts
      • Child care allowances
        • 1. Basic principles
        • 2. Field of application
        • 3. Conditions
        • 4. Benefits
          • Amounts
        • 5. Means test
        • 6. Free or subsidised childcare facilities
      • Other benefits
        • 1. Birth and adoption grants
        • 2. Allowance for single parents
        • 3. Special allowances for children with disabilities
        • 4. Advance on maintenance payments
        • 5. Other allowances
      • In-work benefits (tax credits)
      • Tax concessions
      • Indexation
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • X. Unemployment
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Unemployment insurance benefits
        • 1. Field of application
        • 2. Main conditions
        • 3. Qualifying period
        • 4. Waiting period
        • 5. Reference basis for calculation
        • 6. Amounts
        • 7. Duration of benefits
      • Temporary/Partial and part-time unemployment
        • 1. Description
        • 2. Conditions
        • 3. Amounts
      • Unemployment assistance
        • 1. Field of application
        • 2. Main conditions
        • 3. Qualifying period
        • 4. Waiting period
        • 5. Means test
        • 6. Amounts
        • 7. Duration of benefits
      • Supplements for dependants
      • Other cash supplements
      • Specific arrangements for older unemployed
        • 1. Description
        • 2. Conditions
      • Specific arrangements for young unemployed
        • 1. Description
        • 2. Conditions
      • Specific arrangements for long-term unemployed (LTU)
        • 1. Description
        • 2. Conditions
      • Redundancy compensation
        • 1. Description
        • 2. Conditions
        • 3. Amounts
      • Cash payments to assist the unemployed into employment
      • Sanctions
      • Indexation
      • Cumulation with other social security benefits
      • Cumulation with earnings from work
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Income taxation
        • 2. Tax relief and limits on income tax relief
        • 3. Social contributions on benefits
    • XI. Guaranteed minimum resources
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Entitled persons/beneficiaries
      • Conditions
        • 1. Nationality
        • 2. Residence
        • 3. Age
        • 4. Means-related conditions
          • Rights in rem (real property)
          • Personal property (movable assets)
          • Income and (other) benefits
          • Exhaustion of other claims
          • Exemption of resources
        • 5. Requirements for job search, vocational training and behaviour modification
        • 6. Other conditions
      • Cash benefits
        • 1. Determining factors
          • Level and sufficiency of actual resources
          • Domestic unit for calculation of benefits
          • Impact of family composition
        • 2. Amounts
        • 3. Duration and time limits
        • 4. Indexation
      • Housing and heating allowances
      • Assessment of claims
      • Recovery of benefits
      • Special rights in health care
      • Taxation and social contributions
        • 1. Taxation of cash benefits
        • 2. Limits of income for taxation of cash benefits
        • 3. Social security contributions on benefits
    • XII. Long-term care
      • Applicable statutory basis
      • Basic principles
      • Risk covered
        • Definition
      • Field of application
      • Conditions
        • 1. Qualifying period
        • 2. Minimum level of dependency
        • 3. Age
      • Organisation
        • 1. Evaluation of dependency
          • Evaluators
          • Indicators and categories of need
          • Review
        • 2. Providers
          • Professional providers
          • Informal carers
      • Benefits
        • Benefits for dependent persons
          • 1. Benefits in kind
            • Home care
            • Semi-residential care
            • Residential care
            • Other benefits in kind
            • Cost sharing for benefits in kind
          • 2. Cash benefits
            • Means test
          • 3. User choice
        • Benefits for informal carers
      • Indexation
      • Cumulation
      • Taxation

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Notice: The information on the self-employed is gradually being integrated into the comparative database at the end of each relevant table.

For example, details on maternity benefits for the self-employed are being moved to the end of Table IV on maternity/paternity). Read more